Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The buses went on strike today. I have no idea how long the strike will be, but it means car rapide rides at all times, which will be that much more cramped without buses! At least I've discovered that there is labor organizing here.
Also, the CIEE (my program) office got broken into, including the safe, and someone's laptop and a ton of money in an unspecified amount was stolen last night. Good thing I didn't bring my computer with me!
On a lighter note, this Friday I plan on visiting the IFAN museum which is Dakar's museum of art, and have a trip to this fabled patisserie (pastry shop) downtown where the rich and famous go- it has a guard at the door! I'll just tell myself that I'm contributing to the regional economy. One of our neighbors is going to make me a boubou for pretty cheap money, so I've got to go buy fabric anyway. Yay for new handmade clothing! This woman isn't just a neighbor, but is somehow related to my host mom. At the end of our street is also my host mom's sister-in-law and her family. Small world! It must be nice having so much family around. The suicide rate in Senegal is extremely low because people realize their place in the family and get so much socialization all the time. If I say to my host family "I'm going out for a walk" (which I tried once) they don't understand why I would walk by myself for no reason, and assumed I was going to a friend's house. Also, everyone's stuff is communal. Once something is left out in the open, it's for everyone. Everyone in my family, from what I've seen, shares food when they bring it home-whether it's peanuts or donuts (mmm) and if I leave my sandals out people wear them around (which I've been doing, but they're so worse for the wear that I'm hiding them under the bed now so I don't have to buy new ones). From what I've seen, it's common to be asked for small amounts of money or things, and people are willing to give. I've let my host sisters have a little money and use my phone, and people have also paid for my bus fare twice when I didn't have enough or the right change!

To Farid: Would you like me to buy you a new "teapot" here? I have no idea how to spell the Hindi word but I know how to say it! All of them here are plastic and striped usually. Mostly kidding since I know you've already got one :D- maybe a pair of sandals?
I don't have a webcam but I do have a microphone and will look into the Yahoo/skype thing.


Anonymous said...

Really look into the Skype thing girlfriend. Don't care about web cam but will support it if you decide to purchase. So sorry about break-in. Guess good idea not to take your lap-top. Family life sounds like a lot of fun. Very different than Arlington life! Glad to hear you are taking full advantage of your experience. Great talking to you last night. Will look forward to speaking w/you Sunday at 6p your time. Be well...XXOO

Anonymous said...

I am not anonymous just goofed up!!!!